Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Environment and me

Many of us not realize how the very small things we do in our daily lives affect our environment. I’ll start by analyzing the basic things that we all do in the morning. How many of you leave the water Now that you know a bit about me let’s get down to the topic, shall we? Most of us may running while you brush your teeth? Probably quite a bit and we do it almost as second nature, without thinking twice. I know I did this morning. I took a shower for about fifteen minutes and then got dressed. I made sure that I had everything that I needed in my purse, throwing away unnecessary scraps. Then I ate a half of cup of applesauce and styled my hair. After doing my hair, I selected a pair of earrings which are made of metal. I got thirsty so I went to the bathroom to wash my hands before getting a drink. Time was running short so I began my long journey to school. I took a bus, a boat, and two trains. You’re probably thinking “Where the heck does she live?” lol I am now sitting in my school library enjoying the central air conditioning.
Now these all seem like very normal things that we don’t think hurt or affect the environment, right? Wrong! Everything does. Let’s probe these actions. As I brush my teeth, leaving the water running that’s water that someone could be drinking. Also how many apples were pulled from a beautiful tree to make the applesauce that I ate? Maybe.... I am not sure, but it has crossed my mind, This could have affected the environment by manipulating the natural form of the apple by thinning out the consistency. No I didn’t do it, but it was I who ate. Another thing I’d like to point out is that since I was in such a rush, I only threw out my scraps instead of recycling them.
This next one is a very simple one that I do a lot that I never thought about until now. I’m talking about washing my hands. This morning I only washed my hands once, but usually it’s 2-3 times and don’t get me started on how many times I wash my hands in a day Lol I tried to keep track one time and lost count after 8! (just aiming to prove a point).
These are things that I do to help the environment. I recycle, I never litter, and I don’t smoke cigarettes. I just recently started recycling, ever since I stared seeing the blue and green bins everywhere. Before I never really paid any mind to it. As far as littering goes, I hate it!!! It bugs me so much. Whenever I have trash, I either stick it in my pocket or in plastic bag until I reach the right place. Smoking? Thank god I don’t smoke. Not only is it harmful to our environment, but scarcely harmful to our bodies. You know those commercials that aim to get smokers to stop? The one where the man has the chord to his throat, he says “Nothing will ever be the same, not even the simple things” is my favorite. Well America let me know what you think! **


Anonymous said...

Hey Nisha,

Using so much water to wash your hands a few times throughout the day might not be such a negative thing to the enviornment after all. Water recycling is becoming more popular domestically as well as internationally. There are now ways to treat water after its primary use and reuse it again. Check out for more information about this exciting process. Ultimately, this process should keep our enviornment safer and free from wasting natural resources.

Debbie said...

Nisha, I can relate to things we do on a daily basis being second nature to you. By waking up in the morning,we are unconcious of the things we do that can be harmful to the enviornment. I too run the water continuiously while I brush my teeth and take a shower. I have been doing the same things the same way for so long that subconciously I am confortable without the chang. Although I do not recycle I do not litter. This is not because of the enviornment it is because I am afraid of Mice, Rats,Roaches, and Waterbugs. Today I have to learn to think outside the box. I must realize that if I do not help the enviornment today, the children of tomorrow will suffer.

Jan Michael Dionisio said...

I think our generation is used to taking water for granted. every post I've read has that simple action of having used so much water in the morning or during the day. I think it's great you use the school's available resources to save on your own energy use at home.. the free central air conditioning is definitely a plus! lol xP I enjoyed the little applesauce consideration about how many apples it took to make to make it..don't forget about the simplest thing.. the utensil you used to eat that applesauce with, and what it was packaged in was also made and often never recycled. I enjoyed your food for thought, keep it up! see you in class!

christina said...

those smoking commericals really scary people not to smoke maybe they should make commericals about all the harm the chemicals like whats in cigarettes does to our environment and what the effects will do!!

playablue said...

I liket the thought about the applesauce, it started to make me think about the cereal I had this morning, I mean honey bunches of oats, where do they get all those ingredients from...? anyway I am against cigarettes but not against n "natural" smoking, this may make me a hypocrite.....but if you get my drift, everything in proportion....ya dig!

Jocelyn Perez said...

I am really glad you were able to analyze and get your ideas across so efficiently =) Who knows what happened to all the seeds of your tasty apples?How many potential trees may have been lost? They must plant the seeds in order to maintain consistent productivity from related trees,though,I guess. Hey, what about the fish you ran over while on your boat ride?lolz Oh, well while we seem to consume the college's energy and resources more readily,I think we should seriously consider saying something about getting them to use recycled paper. You could only imagine the amount of paper used everyday for assignments. Also, I know that certain parts of Staten Island were primarily landfills,I mean mountains.lolz I went on a school trip once there and some botanists were lanscaping a small area and planting gardens. Do you know if there are still working on it? well, see you in class =) Jocelyn