Saturday, May 31, 2008

Blog 12: Reflection on BloggingTell us about your blogging experience. Start by taking a look at your 11 blogs. Then take a look at the questions below--they are meant to help you think about things to say (I'm really interested in your answer to the last question):

* The blogging experience was nice! It open my mind to things I never thought about or really cared about. After this class and doing these blogs, I have made some minor changes in my everyday living to help the environment. I have started brushing my teeth without the water and at work I go a little out my way to recycle items in the recycle bin. There’s only one and it’s not near the kitchen. So I’ll walk down the long hall to throw it out. Usually I would say " I don’t feel like going down there and I would let my laziness take over. As far as the brushing I would say " yeah I know I shouldn’t let the water run but I don’t like that sound" Now, I am able to stop. Feelin’ a bit proud!

-How easy/difficult was your experience working with Blogger? Did you feel frustrated at any point with the technology or the kinds of knowledge you had to have to blog the way you wanted to? What was inetersting or fun about working with Blogger?

*At first I did have a hard time with blogger. I didn’t really know how to navigate around the site too well and that frustrated me. What I found to be fun about the blog was making it my own and personalizing it.

-Was writing the entry relatively painless or kind of a pain in the neck? Why or why not? Was it hard to write at least 250 words?* For the most part it was painless writing the entries the only time I found it to be a pain in the neck was when I got stuck on a topic. Overall I think that 250 words is a good amount; not too much or not too little. (Especially if it was a good topic that I liked, the words flowed easy for me.)

-Was it easy/difficult to meet the deadline for the entry and the comments? Why or why not? Do you think there may be a better way to set up a deadline? (If so, what is it?) Should there be a deadline at all?

* It the beginning it was very easy for me to meet the deadline because everything wasn’t at fast paced and I was able to remind myself. Now, all my work for all my classes are due around the same time and things get very hectic! I like that the semester is coming to an end but also hate it because it’s the toughest for me. Due to so many deadlines, I found my self forgetting to do my blogs. I would get so mad because earlt in the week I would remind myself and then I would be doing another assignment that is due sooner and end up forgetting my blog. BUMMER! Yes I do think that there should be a deadline because it probably wouldn’t get done.

-Discuss your experience interacting with other class blogs. Did you learn anything in special that you think you wouldn't have if we didn't have blogs? In general, were comments useful or just kind of pro forma?

* No I don’t think I learned anything special that I couldn’t have without the blogs; it’s just a different way of learning. I did find the comments useful. Writing these blogs pushed me to deal with computers; I try to deal with them as little as possible (we just don’t mix very well together) I know this is bad and I’m trying to get out of this cycle.

-Compare blogging to other kinds of writing you have done in previous courses.

* Blogging is similar to some of the journal writing I’ve done. Where I create or am given a topic to write about.

-Do you think you would like to keep on blogging on your own?

*When I was asked this same question by a classmate, my first response was "HELL NO!" lol, I was only joking. :) In the beginning of the course I was really inspired to began my own blog and I was going to start with myspace to see how it goes. I put it on hold because I want something really good that will catch a lot of peoples’ attention; so I’m still contemplating.
In the near future when I get some time I might post my poetry up on my page. Those of you who are interested, Check it out!

1 comment:

Doctor X said...

I'm glad you are trying some of the "little things" as the Green Book calls them--they add up